Looking for an attention getting media idea that also assists in street team initiatives?
Look no further, NMB Segway Teams can infiltrate your target market more effectively than using street (brand) ambassadors alone.
Our staff can carry up to fifty pounds of media materials and disburse them in half the time of the average walking person.
The chariot shields (signage) on each Segway unit have ample space for your message. For added value we even include the wheel covers as an additional message space.
Unit pricing includes Segway Unit w/ Shield, Trained Operator and all production aspects. The average campaign includes three complete units and a transport unit, for which NMB offers additional advertising space on. Combining these units with a mobile billboard unit will create an unsurpassed attention getting campaign that few viewers will forget.
Give our office a call and let's see what we can do for you!
National Mobile Billboards, LLC
5101 NW 21st Ave, Suite 340, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339, us
Copyright © 2019 National Mobile Billboards, LLC - All Rights Reserved.